Killing Snap
Created Thursday 24 October 2019
How to remove/replace snap on Ubuntu 18.04 (and maybe later):
As root:
apt-get -y remove --purge gnome-software-plugin-snap snapd && apt-get install -y gnome-calculator gnome-characters gnome-system-monitor
That will repmove snap and install traditionally the things that get installed under snap in Ubuntu workstation. It will remove the plethora of mountpoints and improve the load time of the apps.
On Mirajane, the performance boost was:
Calc: 6 seconds -> instant
System monitor: 2 seconds -> 1 second
Characters: 8 seconds -> 2 seconds
System monitor: 2 seconds -> 1 second
Characters: 8 seconds -> 2 seconds
I will expect similar results from Levy.